Hello, I'm Derek...
I teach Lower School English & Literature.
Born: Minneapolis, MN
Education: I have a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from the University of Central Florida.
My bio...
What is your professional experience? I have been a teacher in kindergarten, second grade, third grade, fourth grade, and dual language for 7 years in the Florida public school system.
Tell us about your family? I have been married to the love of my life for almost ten years and we have one beautiful two- year old son. I grew up with my mom, dad, and twin sister.
Are you active in your church? We worship at Celebration Community Church. Presently, I am on the Worship team and I have served in Kids44 Children’s Ministry in the past.
What do you love about TNA and the Principle Approach®? I love that God is the center of our curriculum (which makes sense, He should be the center of every aspect of life!) and that we are promoting principles that will help students to be self-regulating and self-governing adults. The way this has impacted my view of education is that it has changed my view on what is important to learn, the depth in which we must explore each subject, and the power of shifting our focus to the One who created us.