The Principle Approach®
“The Principle Approach® is America’s historic Christian method of Biblical reasoning which makes the Truths of God’s Word the basis of every subject in the school curriculum.” ~ Rosalie Slater, Teaching and Learning America's Christian History: The Principle Approach
The Principle Approach® celebrates providential history from Creation to the present day as identified in each subject area by following a westward course of Christianity in men and nations. The Principle Approach® is not a curriculum, but rather, a way of life and learning that seeks to study and follow the precepts and principles established by God in the Scriptures by which Christian men and nations are to be governed. It is a proven methodology that:
Has its philosophical origins in the Bible
Has distinctive methodology revealed through a biblical pedagogy of teaching and learning
Unfolds the character and nature of God as revealed in Scripture and demonstrated in the Creator
Discovers the purposes of God for man and government
Is applicable to all times and cultures
The recurrence of underlying bedrock principles forming a unity of truth.
The use of providential history to teach the love of character and God.
The use of individual character to teach the Christian idea of man and government through:
The Notebook Approach, which governs the teacher and student participation in the subject by establishing a consistent tool and standard of Christian scholarship.
The Four R’s, which form the basic steps of human learning: research – reason – relate – record.
Writing overviews to create a whole approach unified by principles and structure.
Emphasis in method on student participation, response, essay, discussion, presentation, and the three powers of government – planning, doing, and evaluation.
Respect for the individuality of the student through a tutorial practice of identification, individualization, record-keeping, in a spirit of love and acceptance believing the best in love, calling forth the full potential of Christ in every child.​
The use of stories to teach truth by apperception (using the familiar to teach the unfamiliar – “living water”.
The wisdom of God demonstrated in precepts and principles.
The use of reasoning with leading ideas and principles to teach the “art of learning” .
The presentation of subject content and principles through the life and character of individuals.
The presentation of truth in literary form and Biblical standard of language.
The use of symbols and imagery, ceremony, and celebration to memorialize truth.
The Teaching Methodology Unique to the Principle Approach® as Demonstrated in the Bible
The Principle Approach® places the Word of God at the heart of education, for every subject, for every student. It develops in the student Biblical reasoning from God’s Word that enables students to discern and apply Biblical Principles in art, science, history, math, music, drama, literature, geography, logic, rhetoric, composition, reading, grammar, and language.
The content on this page has been adapted from The Foundation for American Christian Education and Dayspring Christian Academy, a premier Principle Approach® school.
To learn more about the Principle Approach®, click here.